Digital Marketing

Be undeniably good. No marketing effort or social media buzzword can be a substitute for that.

Observe, learn, optimize

Digital Marketing is getting smarter by the day.

Today’s digital consumer can only be reached optimally with digital-first marketing. The brand experience and marketing strategy provide the framework for a dynamic marketing approach, in which real-time results and optimization go hand in hand. Every contact with a potential customer helps to finetune the plan and brings you closer to the marketing objectives.

A good marketing plan starts with translating budgets and KPIs into channels and resources. It’s important to implement the plan quickly and efficiently. This includes: setting up online display, pre-rolls, newsletters, landing pages, and so on. Time to marketing is key in digital.

Achieving the best result in digital

With an integrated approach that does connect the dots.

Integer has specialized digital performance teams at the cutting edge of online marketing. They know exactly how to get to any target audience with personalized content, creating great experiences and unbreakable customer relationships. Their tailored approach almost automatically leads to growth on all digital objectives.

We believe in an integrated approach above anything else. Our multidisciplinary teams are not limited by a specific channel or discipline. They do what really works. From UX and CRO to conversational marketing or lead nurturing. You could say just about everything that contributes effectively to enticing new customers, increasing CLV and realizing sales.

Integer always starts by looking at the business case. We test investments in advance against the expected success. That’s how we ensure maximum impact of digital budgets and provide a watertight business case.

The disciplines

In Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing Strategy

Gaining insights and setting clear goals are the first steps towards an actionable strategy. Integer ensures that your marketing efforts are fully accountable. Real-time results help to finetune the plan along the way.

Digital Advertising

Digital advertising offers more options than ever before. Defining the right digital advertising strategy, and the choices that follow from it, is crucial for achieving the best possible result.

Search Engine Advertising

There have been significant changes in the field of search engine advertising (SEA) over the last few years. Integer helps you to implement a strategy that achieves the best possible return on your SEA campaigns.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO has grown into a major topic and it affects any digital business in numerous ways. Integer helps you to get a grip on SEO. Our experts know how to increase traffic to your website from organic search results. They analyze your platform and prioritize optimization based on impact.

Social Media

Social media are all about building meaningful relationships through conversations. A personalized customer experience is crucial to achieving this. Our social media team can draw up a strategy for you, including a framework with goals, distribution channels and key messages.

Email marketing

Email is the perfect way to play to the needs of your audience. Integer translates strategic goals into campaign design and technical implementation. Not just for generating quality leads, but also for driving repeat purchases, increasing loyalty and much more.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Optimize the conversion of your website, webshop or application together with our experts, so you achieve more leads and revenue.


Existing marketplaces are becoming increasingly dominant worldwide. More and more often, the customer journey starts and ends on a marketplace. These development brings about changes in online customer behaviour which is a development you want to respond to as a brand. We help you create and execute a professional marketplaces strategy to ensure optimal presence within marketplaces.